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How a patent lawyer can help

On Behalf of | Jan 24, 2025 | Patent Law

If you’re looking to get a patent to protect your intellectual property (IP), you may be tempted to handle the process on your own. However, patent law is highly complex, and working with an experienced attorney can be invaluable.

One key reason to seek legal assistance is to determine the appropriate type of IP protection for your needs. A patent typically applies to a design or invention. A trademark, by contrast, is used to protect an identifying mark, such as a company logo. Copyrights are another form of protection, designed for artistic or literary creations like a book or a song.

These forms of IP protection are distinct, but it’s not uncommon for people to become confused about which one they need. Additionally, if you’re starting a company, it might make sense to explore multiple types of IP protection. A lawyer can help you decide which options are most suitable for your situation.

You have a lot invested

Another reason to work with an experienced patent attorney is that you’ve likely invested significant time, effort and resources into your invention or business. You’re also invested in securing a successful future.

Unfortunately, even minor mistakes in the patenting process can have major consequences. For instance, if you file for a patent incorrectly and someone else steals your design to sell similar products, you could lose substantial sales and revenue. This is an area where you simply can’t afford to take risks. A lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure that everything is done correctly.

The importance of professional guidance

Having an experienced attorney by your side when pursuing patents or other forms of intellectual property protection is essential. With so much at stake, it’s crucial to ensure that your IP is properly safeguarded.