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Which industries have the most patents?

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2024 | Patent Law

Patents are used in a wide variety of industries across the United States. They are an effective way to protect intellectual property. Many companies are based around the development of a single core product, so patenting this product enables the company to be successful.

But which industries tend to use patents the most? Researchers have looked into it, and here are some of their findings:

  1. Chips and processors: 51% of companies in this industry have patents 
  2. Medical technology: 27% 
  3. Pharmaceuticals: 22% 
  4. Hardware technology: 18% 
  5. Cleantech: 17% 
  6. Automotive industry: 9% 
  7. Agriculture and farming: 7% 
  8. Airlines: 5% 
  9. Software: 4%
  10. E-commerce: 3%

As you can see, the companies using the most patents are generally developing some type of technology or attempting to offer an exclusive service. With pharmaceuticals and medical technology, for instance, companies are developing these products for use in the billion-dollar medical industry. There’s an incredible amount of money to be made, technology is increasing quickly, and companies want to patent their products and devices so that they can have exclusive rights to those sales. 

These developments are often exciting for consumers, as well, because they get the advantage of developing medical technology and new treatment options. But the company also has to think about the bottom line and protecting its IP for this type of innovation to continue.

What steps do you need to take?

Getting a patent can be difficult and complex, especially in high-tech industries. If you are interested in doing so, it is very important to work with an experienced legal team. An attorney can help you explore the options you have and guide you through the legal steps you will need to take to protect your interests.